Jumbo Gift Bags | Santa Bags |
Super Large Gift Bags, for carrying many presents on the go to family christmas time meetings or for events. These Jumbo Gift Bags feature 6 different designs and are Sold by Dozen.
This 6 different style feature 2 each to make up a dozen. This vibrant color Santa Bag measures 36 inches by 44 inches, which is about 3 ft tall by 3.75 ft wide.
Each of these Jumbo Gift Bags are made of reinforced polypropylene and do not rip like paper bags which makes them ultra practical for on the go.
Jumbo Santa Sacks make gift wrapping really easy by just putting each christmas gift in and closing the bag when full with a tie and ribbon close. Each Santa Bag comes with a gift tag for each that has from/to on top. Its a practical way to transport many wrapped presents as well.