
Religious Costumes

Religious Costumes

Perhaps the question isn't 'are my religious costumes offending to wear?' Instead ask yourself 'are my religious costumes proper to wear for the occasion?' Several situations, such as a catholic school production of the Christmas scene would be a proper place to dress your son as mosses, while others may not. For example, wearing a turban through the security checkpoint at an airport probably isn't the best decision. Many people have heard of the recent scandal involving a young college student who'd taken religious costumes a bit far at a local art parade. Dressed as the pope from the waist up, the woman wore nothing on her lower half and distributed condoms to other college students. This is probably not the best use of religious costumes.

The other day I was searching the web for a Halloween costume for my dog Max when I found a whole website dedicated to religious costumes for dogs. On the websites home page four dogs were sitting in a line on a bench; The first dog bore angle wings, which seemed innocent enough, then the second dressed as a priest, the third a rabbi, and on the end there was a little wiener dog with dynamite strapped around his torso. Although religious costumes are sometimes funny, they can also be fairly creepy. I've decided this year to dress my dog as a bee.

Religious costumes are less common Halloween wear than sexy Tinkerbell or Caribbean pirate, but they are quickly becoming more popular with today's youth. Religious costumes aren't the chosen attire for many occasions, and though you wont see them in your everyday life, there will always be that one guy dressed as the bishop photo bombing your wedding pictures or that woman who lives down the street with her terrorist poodle. Rather it is for Halloween or your coworkers' sons Bar Mitzvah, religious costumes are sure to award lots of looks. However, there is a fine to walk when deciding if it is a proper time to wear religious costumes. Making sure that your statement or practical joke wont offend others is important in staying out of jail and keeping friends.

Whenever you can't decide if your religious costumes have gone to far, ask yourself if you could wear in around your family. Do your religious costumes offend your grandparents? Would it be appropriate to wear around your friend’s kids? Religious costumes are a lot of fun, but they can also cause more problems than the laughs are worth.

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