
National Hat Day

by Jannika Forester

From protecting your noggin, to separating Tweedle Dee from Tweedle Dumb, completing the golf ensemble, or hiding your receding hairline and/or hideously deformed skull after that childhood accident, hats are by far the most useful and stylish of accessories, much like how hemp seed is nature’s most nutritionally complete food. Ever. Maybe that is
why hats come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. Yup, you can find just ‘bout any type ‘ah hatfish hat, mesh hat, cowboy hat, piece of dog poop on your hat hat… I know that was a solid Bubba Gump, you don’t have to tell me.


So, in our tradition of recognizing the most non-events of events (c’mon, we’re a party company), we tip our hats to National Hat Day!

Yes, that’s right. National Hat Day. This holiday – it’s unofficial; you still have to go to work, don’t get excited – is as seasonally timed as it is attired. Did you know that the majority of a person’s body heat escapes through their head? What better way to trap that heat then to top off your top? Hat Day rules!


Take a moment now to recognize some of the great hats in history…


National Hat Day 2012   

View more presentations from PrivateIsland here 


1. Secret Squirrel & Morocco Mole’s trade mark fez and identity-protecting fedora
Secret Squirrel

2. Dumb Donald’s slouchy knit
- Fat Albert and the Cosby

3. Fred Flintstone’s Water Buffalo Lodge hat The Flintstones

4. Carnac the Magnificent’s mystic Sultan hatTonight Show

5. J R Ewing’s 10 gallons of justice – Dallas

6. Fozzie Bear’s well-loved fedora
The Muppet Show

7. Sister Bertrille’s flying hat
The Flying Nun

8. Mork and Mindy just in general – Mork
and Mindy

9. Inspector Gadget’s Go Go Gadget Hat
Inspector Gadget

10. Mandy Tyler Moore’s shining beret
of hope – The Mary Tyler Moore Show

11. Elizabeth Taylor’s fantastical daisy/paper straw hatBloom!

12. Cat’s mile-high, Mary Poppins style handbag-in-a-hat hatDr. Suess’s Cat in the Hat

13. Jambi the Genie’s techno colored dream hatPee-Wee’s Playhouse

14. Crazy British hats from
the royal wedding


15. Stylish vintage sunglasses

 Published by Private Island Entertainment LLC.